Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas Moon Belly Dancers

To all of the beautiful Moon Belly Dancers,

I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!!!

Thank you for you enthusiastic participation in the WOMAN show!!!!! Everyone did such a fabulous job. No one got cranky!!! No one even complained during our elongated rehearsal!!! I was so proud of each and every one of you that night. You got up there in front of nearly 300 people and bared your soul! The amount of strength it takes to be vulnerable in this way is indescribable...yet, you did it. With bells on at that!!! It is such an honor to have such a strong, powerful, yet sweet and vulnerable, group of juicy women as my dance ensemble!

Every single one of you is so special in your own unique way. You are all such cool, rad chicks...I could never imagine I would be so lucky. The catty, girl-bull-s**t that can sometimes come up in groups of women this size is VANISHED, GONE, NADA!!! I never see any of that kind of wasteful behavior...and it makes me feel so lucky and proud.

You are temple dancers, lovers of the world, joyful celebrations of everything that makes life so sweet and magical. You are jewels. Rare and exotic, but hard and strong.
But, most of all, you are artists. Hardworking, midwestern, down-to-earth, high-in-the -sky, dancing and creating artists. I am honored to work with each of you.

The memories we are creating together will go down in a long, long story I will write one day. Your sweat, tears and dances will live a long, long time.

I love ya'll, more than you know!!!

I will miss you like crazy over break...and I look forward to seeing each of you in 2009!!!



PS We made enough money at the show to buy a new video camera and projector screen!!! Merry Christmas to Moon Belly. This will be such an aide for choreography refinement!!!

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